i don't mean to get all richard simmons on you, but please, exercise feels so good! i ran today for the first time since my ankle incident. i think the best part about it was listening to my ipod. i really felt like i could run forever and sing and dance at the same time. although technically, how do you dance and run on a treadmill at the same time? the point is this...the power of music and the high from running is a serious thrill. and i am rolling my eyes as i write this because it sounds so dramatic and teenager, but it is like so true, girlfriend. also, the fat jiggling on my belly was a little reason to push forward.
i so enjoyed my time singing along with the go-go's, lynard skynard, the clueless soundtrack and so on. later ella asked if she could try out the ipod, so we hooked her up and she said, "i wike this song mom. you wike this song?" she was totally into it and also told me the music made her feel "happy again".
a friend and i worked on a cute little scrapbook album/book today. it was really fun and i mostly enjoyed just looking at the piles of cute paper that i have (but rarely use). ella and ellie had a great time playing. they were dressed up in gowns and were getting married to their handsome princes. my friend has two girls the same ages as my girls and their names are ashlan (same age as afton), and ellie (same age as ella). coincidence? i don't know. the girls just love playing together. it's nice to have a friend, isn't it? i have spent the last year or so distancing myself from most of my friends because of the depression/anxiety. it was just too much for me to handle. it was hard to be around anyone besides my family. anyway- now it's nice to want to have a few friends to do things with every once in a while. i am really grateful to the friends that let me have my time, but were always so loving and supportive. there are some wonderful people out there.