

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

birthday loot

here's the birthday boy opening gifts. after the famous "larry the cable guy" card we gave ryan a few years ago, it's been hard to find a card that will tickle ryan's funny bone. so, the girls went with the musical cards this year. ella's played happy birthday and aftie's played the song that says...celebrate good times, come on! the girls thought the cards were hysterical!
ryan received the following:
many, many hug coupons
many, many shirts
two coupons for golfing with each of the girls
snickers bars for his trip to utah
and $$ for a new flat screen tv.

and i would just like to take a moment to give myself a shout-out.
many people can attest that i have a difficult time saving money. HOWEVER, i saved money that i earned babysitting our sweet little friend, jude, and gave it to ryan as his birthday gift to go toward a flat screen. really, i think the fact that i saved any money was a gift in itself. so maybe i'll just take that money back and get myself some new shoes. a really fancy pair.


Megan Jo Eddie said...

OOOOHHHHH I am so proud of you - sister! Seriously- that's a great accomplishment. I to have been saving my pennies and whatever I find in the dryer for our trip to Arizona. I think I too will buy myself a really fancy pair of shoes while I'm there. All those talks about saving with mom and dad have finally paid off, I bet they'd be proud of us! Love you.

The Gurrs said...

Amy, I Love You!
You at least need a little of that money back to start a fund for new shoes :)

The Favorite said...

So proud-
(He's going to love that TV even more if possible :)