

Monday, August 5, 2013

thriving and surviving

this past week was the annual buffalo stake young women's camp.
my favorite.
(she said sarcastically)
this year was sorta special
because my sweet aftie joined me!
since she's now 12, she can attend girls camp.
all of the first year girls have a blanket made for them.
on the first night
we sing crazy/silly songs
then we ooh and aah over each blanket
then the girls get to run into their blanket.
but very exciting!
here we are the next morning.
7am, flag ceremony.
soooo sleepy.
this year we read the entire book of Mormon in 3 days
that equaled 3 chapters per person.
we had a giant progress chart to mark off each chapter.
here's my molly girl.
I would be so sad without her by my side!
we gave out tickets to the girls for any kind deed we saw them doing.
molly hung her roll of tickets on her walkie-talkie.
we do use walkie-talkies.
we feel a little silly.
ella belle and I made 63 giant flowers for each of the girls.
molly and I hung them in the craft barn for skit night.
after the skits
we read "molly lou melon"
to the girls.
this is a darling book about a little girl who
stands tall (our theme)
and is proud of who she is.
the girls then wrote on the flower petals
some of their strengths
that would help them to
stand tall.
I know this doesn't look like much,
but trust me...
with a sprinkler and a little dishsoap,
this baby is one super-fun slip-n-slide!
molly and I rigged this thing up.
it only took us about 3 hours.
but it was worth it! 
here's my sweetie aftie and her darling friend.
some of the girls from our ward.
such cutie-girls!
after 5 days of camping fun
it was time to head home.
aftie received the paper plate award for
"princess of peace"
she was a happy, sweet girl who got along well with everyone.
guess which one of us thrived
who just barely survived?

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