

Sunday, August 18, 2013

we're still married!

who remembered our anniversary was august 13th?
not us!
ryan called me in the afternoon and said,
"do you know what day it is?"
"of course, it's Thursday", I said
(feeling extra proud of myself for knowing which day of the week it was.)
"no.  the date."
"august something?" I replied.
"it's the 13th," he said
"uh huh...oh, wait! the 13th?  as in-our anniversary 13th?"
"oh, we are such losers!"
so we went to the cheesecake factory.
but it's sort of like our anniversary every day, because we really love each other!

1 comment:

Kara and the girls~ said...

oh that is a great relay of pictures :) I miss you sooooooooo much! Happy Anniversary you crazy kids ;)