it finally happened.
the moment we've been waiting for all through middle school.
8th grade graduation.
I had no idea it was such a big deal.
after 8th grade, I just went to 9th grade.
no ceremony, no special outfit, no awards, no nothin'. just 9th grade.
but here in the land of western new york,
you get a big party for making it through 8th grade.
and it's fun!
first, you ditch half the day of school
so you can get your nails and hair done and your outfit ready.
then you go to the awards ceremony and get a diploma
and if you're a smartie pants like afton,
you receive an award for maintaining a 95% or above average throughout your middle school career.
woo hoo aftie girl!!!
then your mom and dad take lots of pictures
and your friends mom and dad take more pictures
then the other friends mom and dad take even more pictures
and then you just want to go away from all the parents and their cameras
but the parents think you all look so lovely
and they want to continue taking pictures
then there's the must have shot with the pleased parents
finally the parents go away.
the graduates hop on the bus
and are whisked away to the graduation party!
no parents allowed!
parents hear rumors of
music playing
hanging out
just talking with friends
eating candy
and the party continues!
off to laser tron for more graduation fun
the first of many late nights to come, i have a feeling.
becoming herself