

Saturday, February 12, 2011

life in the frozen tundra

that's right.  frozen tundra.
 really that's what it has felt like the past week or two.  it has been so, so cold.
when you are forced to stay in the house for a while, you begin to notice things.
i realized that it was time to put something, anything on my kitchen walls.
it has been seven years of thinking that "we'll just be ripping out the kitchen anyday" so why put anything on the walls. 
enough is enough.
so i put these silly stickers on the wall.
also, i had some friends over a few weeks ago to make this cute heart wreath.  i saw it on a blog and thought it'd be fun to make.  i think i cut out 200 felt circles.  maybe 300.  but it's cute right?

2 comments: said...

Can you believe all this snow?!
I love how full your wreath turned out! I think I need to go and cut more circles.....:)

kristenita said...

WHAT! I love that wreath. I wanted to make one until I read the 200 or 300 felt circles part.

Love the stickers on the kitchen wall. Love you. Warm thoughts... come visit??