

Friday, July 20, 2012

ahhh, new markers

hours spent this afternoon at target: 2
bags filled with new school supplies: 7
folders with horizontal folders, no prongs: 11
items to be labeled: too many to count!
 there's nothing better than buying new school supplies.
we get this excitement from gg, who loves the scent of a good office supply store!
and while ella was busy labeling her supplies,
the older, wiser sister had some unsolicited but sound advice to share with the almost 3rd grader of the household...
"it's important to keep your desk organized, or it's almost impossible to have a good 3rd grade year".


Megan Jo Eddie said...

I too enjoy a newly sharpened pencil and any chance to bust out my label maker. YAHOOOO!!!!! said...

That is the best quote ever!
I too can appreciate the smell of office supplies!!!!