

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

a new school year

this little bug is going to
middle school!
on locker setup day
she wanted me to take a
photo of her locker.
what a transformation!
the saddest thing:
you can barely see her purple locker rug on the very bottom.
that's right,
she has a locker rug.
 locker décor is pretty old hat for this 8th grader.
she meets up with friends,
chats about life,
offers suggestions
and advice
on where to hang photos, etc.
 these girls have been best of friends for many years now!
 above shows the first attempt at aftie's locker décor,
but she just wasn't satisfied with the result.
so we started over.
much happier!
chalkboard paper, cork magnets & cuteness.
 1st day of school!
aftie- grade 8
ella- grade 5
aftie loves her new shirt from anthropologie!
ella loves wearing flip flops to school!
(no flip flops in elementary)
the new rule at our house:
no tv/Netflix/movies
here's what i found these two doing instead...
homework, singing, laughing, enjoying quiet time together.
here's to a great school year!

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