

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

happy anniversary to us!

today ryan and i celebrate our 9th wedding anniversary. it seems like yesterday...

we've had a lot of fun together. we've done some traveling (hawaii, paris, nebraska). we've had two baby girls. we've (ryan) finished a ph.d. we've bought a house, a lawn mower, a ladder and all ther other fun house things. we've done a lot of painting. we've run some races together. we've been sad together, but mostly happy together. we've laughed a lot. we've watched a lot of movies. we've eaten at some pretty fancy restaurants (my favorite idea). but the most important thing is that we've loved each other.

ryan is the love of my life. he is so caring and kind. he is hysterically funny and so much fun to be with. he works so hard for his girls. we all love him, but i get to love him the most!

i love you ry!


wurtz said...

Happy Anniversary!

The Favorite said...

Happy Anniversary (you didn't even say anything yesterday. You are such an amazing couple!

Megan Jo Eddie said...

I'm crying my eyes out! I love you both.