

Sunday, November 29, 2009

puzzle mania

i picked up this puzzle for the girls to work on over the thanksgiving holiday.
they finished after school on wednesday!
(you have to look sideways)
so, ryan ran the girls to the store and they picked out the two below.

ella chose the deer puzzle. and afton chose the puppies. ry and aftie finished the puppies just a few hours ago.
they also did three other smaller puzzles.
my mom had us all working on a big puzzle when she visited us in october, and the girls have been begging for puzzles ever since. ryan's family and my family always had a big puzzle going over the holidays while we were growing up, so i suppose the tradition must live on!

6 comments: said...

What a fun tradition!!

Kara and the girls~ said...

no- you're the best and are very amazing!! Did Ella like her bday card?

amy said...

she let the card play over and over and over for about ten minutes straight! yeah, she liked it.

Megan Jo Eddie said...

That's my girls. Long live the puzzle tradition. love you all

Unknown said...

We love puzzles too, although this year with O all over the place we have not attempted them! Great family time!
I put some photos up!

Heidi said...

I remember putting puzzles together in your basement in Twin! So cute that you do puzzles with your girls! Your Mama should be proud.