

Saturday, July 30, 2011

we went to nauvoo

we went to nauvoo, illinois.
this is a special place to us because nauvoo was built by early members of the church of jesus christ of latter day saints.
it was a swamp right on the banks of the river.
the early church members drained the swamp and built a beautiful city.
they were later persecuted and driven from their homes.
 on our way we saw this bridge and i was surprised that someone would use our initial (H is for Hulse) to support a bridge.  so sweet of them.
 in nauvoo, we saw and learned many fun and interesting things. 
this guy showed us how to make a horseshoe.  the girls got a ring made from a bent nail.  i guess they call them "prairie rings" because the pioneers didn't have diamonds to give to a new fiance on a wagon trail, so they used a bent nail. 
hope those ladies eventually got a lovely stone of some sort.
 here's ella hitching a ride at the hotel.
 we were able to see the temple in nauvoo.  it is beautiful and sits right on the top of a small hill.
 we went on two horse-drawn carriage rides.
the first took us around the town of nauvoo.  we were shown different shops and homes of the early citizens.
the second took us further into the country and stopped periodically for us to hear a story or interesting fact about the settlers.
the kids loved the rides, but were especially vocal about the horse poop being dropped along the ride.
 cute aftie and cousin janettie!
belle learned to walk on stilts!  she loved it and didn't want to stop working on this new found skill.
 here's a few of us at a play.
 doing what all cousins should do...making rope.
two little stinkers.
two big stinkers.
we had a great trip and then drove on to st louis for a few days where:
ryan attended a work conference
the girls played with cousins
and i tore ligaments in my ankle
the fun never ends!

3 comments: said...

What a fun trip, minus the torn ligaments in your ankle. :(

kristenita said...

"and I tore ligaments in my ankle"

nauvoo is awesome, sounds like a fun trip. and awesome that Ry & his dad sit exactly alike. miss you! xo

Gruwells said...

I am positive the "H" on the bridge stands for Hulse! Such a wonderful trip.....and really, the torn ligaments are a bummer, but they got you out of girl's camp so what more can a girl ask for?!?!?! Love you much......