

Sunday, March 22, 2015

artist in residence

our very own artist in residence
has been hard at work over the past month or two.
she was asked to produce some big projects and she delivered!!
 aftie's young women's advisor from church asked her to help create some
décor for the elementary school carnival that she was co-chairing.
 it was a jungle theme and
our basement became project central!
I knew that ping pong table we purchased for ryan's birthday would come in handy.
it was the perfect space to work on the 6x9 foot mural.
 Aftie happens to have an amazing art teacher at school
who went above and beyond to help her accomplish this huge project!
thank you Mrs. Woods!!!
 aftie also has wonderful friends who love to be together
and also love art and are super talented.
they helped many early mornings before school
and stayed after school to help as well!
hooray for Grace, Candi, & Mel!!
 we went to the elementary school to help hang the paintings
and every person who passed by
commented on how amazing
the animals looked!!
they couldn't believe that an 8th grader had created them.

 here's our favorite carnival co-chair, Ashley!
she is so sweet and wonderful!
we love her!
she was so supportive of afton and all of her efforts.

 here's the finished mural.
6 feet by 9 feet of pure awesome-ness.
 they even made these cute photo props for the kids to stick their heads through.
isn't that crocodile funny?
huge, fun, wonderful experience for our aftie girl!
 she also had a piece entered in the district art show
 its the same piece that was entered into the regional art show at UB
not her favorite piece.
but she did LOVE that it was featured on the invitation.
(see above, 2nd photo down on far left)
and finally, here is the mural that she created for the New Beginnings program
for her young women's church group.
a couple of cute friends from church came over to help finish up the painting.
the theme for the program and her mural was
"o ye that embark in the service of God"
her mural depicts the view from the deck of a ship setting sail.
I love watching this girl tackle a project.  I love watching her vision unfold.  I love watching her determination to get it "just right".  I love watching her work hard.  I love watching her talents develop.  I love watching her confidence increase with each project completed, and each "WOW" we hear from those who see what she can do. 
What a delightful experience it is to be her mom!

3 comments: said...

So talented!! Seriously amazing!!

Megan Jo Eddie said...

I WANT YOUR AUTOGRAPH!!!! Aftie you are so amazing! Truly, an artist. I would give anything to draw an elephant the way you do, and provide all that amazing color and give it such definition. My kindergartners laugh at me everyday, because they can't ever tell what I'm drawing. Do you think you could give me a quick lesson on drawing a simple person while we're in Disneyworld? I will pay!!! I love you my beautiful talented niece!

Kara and the girls~ said...

WHOA!! Aftie, you are over the moon amazing. Love you and I wish we could come see them in person, but good thing your mom took such great pictures so we could see them all the way from Idaho. I love you guys.