

Sunday, January 6, 2008


this is an admittance of guilt. i watch desperate housewives and frankly, i enjoy it. so, pick up your jaw and close your mouth. there are certain parts that i change the channel for, but overall it makes me laugh and frankly Bree has some pretty good housekeeping tips. tonite Ry and I were watching and they spoke about believing in prayer and doing nice things for others. i almost called my mom to tell her to watch tonite! now that is something she could appreciate.
i've also thought it may be a case of Satan and his naughtiness-i'll slip in a little something about prayer and then this show won't seem so wrong.

yesterday we painted. ryan took care of the ceilings in the entry way and the family room. i took the moldings. there was a lot of blue tape involved. (get it?)
CORRECTION (tuesday jan 8th): of course you didn't get it...i realized later that the saying is actually red tape. ryan got a good laugh out of this!

this week we are looking forward to warm weather (supposed to be in the 50's) a 3 year old bowling/birthday party, another $1 spelling test, basketball for ry, a trip to the library, laundry, dinner for the missionaries, and lots of miles posted on the treadmill. it doesn't get better than this, folks!

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