

Thursday, January 10, 2008

insults & injurys

i was thinking of that saying, "adding insult to injury" or something like that. this is a good way to describe my tennis experience yesterday. there were insults and then there was THE INJURY. (i just rolled my ankle, but i do try to get all the mileage out of an injury that i possibly can.) not 20 seconds after i came crashing to the ground, i was swarmed by 14 women, each with a few words of motherly advice...including something about physical therapy. then i almost fainted, which caused more motherly concern. i was really glad my friend, kari was playing, and she really went the extra mile. she got ella from the playroom, fetched the carseat, drove me home, set me up on the couch with the phone, remote, 4 ibuprofen and a glass of water. she then took ella home with her to play. thank you so much kari! today i am feeling much better and am also feeling quite grown up. normally, i would milk every last drop out of this incident, but i am proud to say that i didn't even ask ry to come home from work. i told him how happy i was with myself and he did admit he was surprised i didn't have him come home.

as for the rest of this little family...

ella has been calling everybody a goo-goo head
afton is missing both front teeth (i'll post a photo later)
we have no snow on the ground (a little weird)
ella loves playing games (memory, hi-ho cherry-o)
afton is entering an art contest

ella and afton were sharing knock-knock jokes tonite...

afton: knock-knock
me: who's there?
afton: hat
me: hat who?
afton: hat on my head that is a hawaiian hat!

i laughed, but i'll be honest, i didn't really get it

ella: knock-knock
me: who's there?
ella: orange
me: orange who?
ella: (a little smile, then...) orange suitcase!
we were reading a book called Cowboy & Octopus. octopus tries to tell cowboy a knock-knock joke about lettuce. cowboy didn't get it, cause lettuce can't knock on a door. that sent afton into fits of laughter! 1st grade humor is the best!

1 comment:

CJB said...

Dude- milk it! Now everyone will expect you to be strong from now on. I hope you're feeling better. Good thing for good friends.