

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

here's what we've been up to

the peeps and i have been keeping busy. we've been producing and presenting puppet shows... we've been serving tea in the garden...(ok, that's really just lunch in the backyard)
we've been hanging out at the beach...

also we've been...
to the movies a few times
playing with friends
swimming at the pool
riding bikes
and a few other fun things.
it's been a good summer, but we're really anxious to get our letters from the school to tell us who we'll have for teachers this next school year! everyday we cross our fingers that we'll have a letter in the mailbox, but not so far. maybe tomorrow!


family said...

Fast Amy....super fast! I'll probably blog about the summer in ummm....October :)

Kara and the girls~ said...

where's the beach? i thought it was so cold in Buffalo- i really need to come and see this wonder in person! Anyway- the "grown up" concert was way fun- wish you could have been with me, seriously! I love you- call me soon or i will call you!