

Monday, November 22, 2010

the bookfair...

time again for the fall bookfair.  this year was a superhero theme.  here's hero the heim husky disguised as a superhero.  i'm not sure our way of hanging hero the husky on the wall was very professional, but he didn't fall down one time!
 each class in the school visits the bookfair prior to its opening to make out their wishlists.  here's ella carefully spelling the title of her wished-for books.  i've never been a big fan of the wishlist, so i try to emphasize that these books are not guaranteed to be purchased by your loving parents.  mostly, i'm talking to my own two sweeties!

 here's hero!  i'll never divulge the secret of who wears the costume.  whoever he/she may be, they do a great job!  the kids love hero! 
here's my co-conspirator, cynthia.  she is sooooo much fun and is a joy to work with.  this year we purchased these aprons for all the volunteers to wear.  they were a big hit.  at least, they were a big hit with us.  and that's all that really matters. 
love doing the bookfair.  glad it is over!

1 comment:

Megan Jo Eddie said...

Oh, man you just put our Super Dog to shame! You guys do an AMAZING job! I'm so impressed. I wish lived next door so we could do it together and then we could con Kara into helping us too! Love you