

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

more birthday celebrating

 monday had a little (15 minutes) celebration in her classroom at school
that's her cute teacher sitting next to her.
 here's her buddy mckenzie
 here she is with her beautiful mother
 grandma and grandpa sent a check.
ella bought herself a rockin' barbie guitar
and a phone for her bedroom. 
what kind of a mother would let her daughter buy a phone for her bedroom?


Kara and the girls~ said...

what kind of mother? Um- duh! only the bestest, coolest, most beautiful mother in the world!!

Megan Jo Eddie said...

Seriously? Only the best mother of ever. by the way, I will not be showing this post to Taylor or Peri, who think they need a TV, Laptop, and phone in their own room. Oh, the trials! Love you

Natalie said...

So fun! I love the hello kitty phone, I want one too! Looks like she had a good birthday!