

Thursday, December 11, 2008

bff (best friends forever)

i am such a lucky girl. i have the most amazing friends. i have friends with great taste, friends with kind hearts, friends who take time out of their day to bring me flowers and presents and call me and send me birthday greetings via mail, email, blog, etc. i even have friends who plan a whole lunch party and when i can't make it because of my sick little girl, they celebrate without me and then bring the lunch and presents to me. WOW! so, a BIG THANK YOU to each of you lovely people for your love and gifts. they made my heart swell! to be honest, i can't think of one reason i deserve all this adoration. i mean, i'm usually good for a lunch date or a funny joke, but is that really reason enough? i don't know, but i'm not complaining and i'll take it! i love you friends!

also, i have a pretty amazing little family. as usual, the girls and ryan went above and beyond for my birthday. breakfast in bed, flowers, yummy pizza from Siena, fun presents and lots of love.

and don't let me forget my extended family with the phone calls and cards. lucky me!!!!

2 comments: said...

We missed you at the ward Christmas party! Glad to hear you had a good excuse. Sounds like you had a fantastic day. Happy Birthday!

Carol Beck said...

sounds like you have wonderful friends and i know you have a wonderful family! all of the hulses are awesome people!!!